Contact us
If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to reach out using the contact form. You can also reach us by email or phone.
Hours of Operation
7 am to 4 pm PST, Monday - Friday.
(206) 285-7445
Headquarters Address
2729 6th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98134
Plant Address
206 SW Michigan St, Seattle, WA 98106
Dry Warehouse Address
7245 West Marginal Way SW, Seattle, WA 98106
Does your fish contain antibiotics?
The use of antibiotics in aquaculture continues to be a topic of concern to many consumers.
Please be assured that we share those concerns and strictly adheres to the FDA policy of zero tolerance for unapproved antibiotics and fungicides used in aquaculture operations. In accordance with HACCP importer guidelines we require annual letters of guarantee on file from our aquaculture suppliers confirming they are in complete compliance with the FDA’s Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guidance (4th Edition). This includes FDA’s zero tolerance policy for unapproved antibiotics and fungicides.
Although we are only required by the FDA to conduct periodic testing, Orca Bay has voluntarily elected to test 100% of all imported shipments. Beginning in 2008 we contracted with SGS and NSF; globally accredited 3rd party inspection firms to test our products prior to shipment to the United States. Depending upon the species we follow the FDA Import Alert Guidelines and test not only for unapproved aquaculture antibiotics and fungicides but also histamine, mercury and microbiological levels of the products we import.
How long does vacuumed packed seafood last in my freezer?
Again, we know most of our customers cant wait to eat our delicious seafood, but we generally recommend 18 months or less in the freezer for vacuum-packed seafood products. The “Best By Date” is on the top of the bag, this is not the date it was packed.
How long can fish thaw in the refrigerator before I need to discard it?
Most people can’t wait to eat our seafood products, but if you thaw in the refrigerator, remember to remove the packaging and consume within 48 hours to fully enjoy the optimum flavor and freshness of our delicious fish.
Why do I have to remove the packaging before thawing?
Our products are sealed in vacuum-packed pouches while still frozen. This prevents dehydration or “freezer burn”, and is most effective way to preserve quality. We go to great lengths to bring you the best seafood possible, as with any all-natural product there are bacteria that develop during the thaw process. The curious thing about seafood is that when in an anaerobic (airless) environment, there is a chance of the formation of the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, also known as C-bot, a cause of food poisoning. By removing the packaging, you eliminate the risk of C-bot contamination. Just to be on the safe side, the FDA requires these guidelines for all vacuum-packed seafood.
Why does some of your packaging say “Product of China”?
Our seafood is harvested in many parts of the world, but often the fishing vessels don’t have the equipment or the expertise to cut fish into a finished, ready-to-eat fillet. Therefore, sometimes we ship whole, frozen fish to our partners in China to utilize their processing plants to fillet, portion, and package the fish. Because of this transformation from whole fish to fish fillet, the FDA requires that we label the fish “Product of China.”
Why does your flounder say “Product of Thailand?
The Orca Bay flounder is caught in Alaska, headed and gutted, and then shipped to Thailand where it is filleted. This is an industry standard process for this species, as the US labor market and consumer market are not able to support domestic flounder processing. According to FDA country of origin labeling rules, this item must be labeled as "Product of Thailand" because it has been “substantially transformed”.
We work closely with our suppliers in Thailand, who must pass rigorous, globally recognized food safety audits. In addition to that, major retailers & the FDA also have their own approval requirements for these facilities as well. Every lot is 3rd party inspected and tested.